Content Management
Using our CMS, you’ll have great looking website pages, regardless of your design and technical skills.
Our content management system (PageCraftCMS) is powerful, intuitive and easy to use. If you have every used Yahoo mail, Gmail or Hotmail – you already have the skills you need to use our CMS and start creating great looking content for your website. Our CMS is highly customizable – we can build exactly what you need and provide the necessary tools needed to create content for your website that has a consistent look and feel from one page to the next.
The end results are clean site pages that are well organized, font styles that match in size and color – from page to the next, and strategically coded page layouts that auto adjust according to the content you’ve added – thereby eliminating any conspicuous open spaces.
Learn more about our CMS & Modules at the links below:
Who are We Right For?
Any organization searching for an easy-to-use navigation, clean and effective page structure, and dynamic website features that engage your audience and encourage them to visit your municipal website frequently.
- County Website Design
- City Website design
- Town Website Design
- Village Website Design
- Tourism Website Design
- Area Attractions Website Design
- Festival Website Design
- Economic Development Websites
Core Benefits
You Have a Partner In Us
Numerous Solutions
Quality Assurance
Decreased Wait Times
In-House Support
Web Based
Cost Effective
Have a question? We have answers. Below are some of the more commonly asked questions.
Once you have contacted us to discuss your website needs. We schedule a time for a conversation to learn more about your organization, to discuss shortcomings you have experienced with your current website. We discuss any new features you desire for your new website, your vision going forward and make recommendations of solutions that will best fit your needs and vision. We also provide our web discovery questionnaire to uncover any other unknowns and solutions, design and features you may have not considered. Once you have completed the questionnaire, our team reviews your answers and we develop a schematic outlining the proposed site structure and site features – based on your needs, along with an estimate to design and develop your new website.
Your question not here?
Why Choose Us
A Proven Track Record
Building a municipal website can be a large undertaking and should be handled by an experienced company. The web developers at Municipal Web Services have many years of experience building dynamic websites for cities, towns and economic development groups. We have a proven track record in the municipal web design field, so you can rest assured that your city’s website is in good hands.